Retail Credit Cards
Are there any specific retail stores that you visit frequently or more often than other? If yes, then you might benefit from the retail credit cards. Well, most of the retailers offer credit cards either exclusively for their stores or in partnership with MasterCard, Discover, American Expression and Visa to increase the loyalty of their customers by providing them some extra benefits and discounts.
Though the co-branded retail credit cards might seem like better options to go with as you can use a single card at multiple places, there could be retail stores which offer you everything under one platform and provide you better benefits on their cards. So, it is not advisable to make a decision based on a single factor.
We know that it becomes difficult to decide which card will be more beneficial for you to subscribe you as you cannot have credit cards of all retail stores at once. We have researched for you and here are some of the best retail credit cards currently available in the market that you can consider to ensure that you are shopping wisely.
Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card
Having an Amazon Prime membership is a pre-requisite for getting an Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card, but if you are a frequent shopper at one of the largest online stores, then there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be using this no-annual-fee Signature credit card.
You can earn 5% cash back on all the products at which can be redeemed at any time at the checkout. You also get eligible to receive a $70 gift card by Amazon as soon as your card gets approved and since it is a Visa Signature Card, you will be able to use it everywhere the Visa cards are accepted.
You will earn 2% cash back on all the restaurants, gas stations and drug stores. For all the other purchases, you will be earning 1% cash back.
However, you need to make sure that you are using the card responsibly and paying your bills in time as there is a late fee penalty of up to $37. Additionally, the regular purchase APR varies between 14.99% and 22.99%.
Target REDcard Credit Card
RedCard is an exclusive credit card which can be used only at Target and So, it will be a good investment if you shop at Target a lot as it offers you some fantastic cash back.
You can earn 5% off on all your purchases at Target retail stores or, except the gift wrap services, prepaid cards, gift cards, eye exams, and prescriptions. Apart from this, you will be eligible for free standard shipping and an additional 30 days of return program. You can also club your 5% discount with any other coupon, Target subscriptions or Cartwheel.
You will also be getting the protection against fraud, that is, if your card is used without your permission, then you can file a complaint about it immediately, and you will not be held responsible for it.
There is no annual fee that you will have to pay to hold this card, but in case of late payment, there will be a penalty of up to $37, and the regular purchase APR for this card varies up to 23.14%.
Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi
You will need a Costco membership to be eligible for this card, but it is indeed worth it if you love shopping from Costco. Besides, you can use the card anywhere a Visa card is accepted with a minimal foreign transaction fee of 3% since it is co-branded by Visa. The foreign transaction fee is exempted in the Costco stores worldwide though.
You can earn 4% cash back on all the gas stations (including Costco) for up to an expenditure of $7000 per annum. Whereas, you will be eligible for a 3% cash back for all the restaurant and travel purchases. On all the other purchases made by Costco or, you will get 2% cash back and on the other purchases made otherwise; there will be 1% cash back.
You also get the benefit of travel and emergency insurance, worldwide car rental insurance, and travel accident insurance along with purchase and fraud protection by Citi.
All this with no annual fee and 0% APR for the first seven months, followed by a variable of 15.49% can turn out to be an excellent deal for you.