Review of Lending Tree Loan
When you need a quick loan, you cannot plan to go around finding different lenders. This is when an online marketplace dedicated to connecting lenders and borrowers comes handy. Operating throughout the United States, Lending Tree is not a direct lender, but a marketplace that brings together various lenders under its umbrella. The best part is that the lenders will be competing to give you the loan and this will be in your interest in getting the best price. Lending Tree Loan is an established firm and has its presence in the market since 1998. The credibility is thus there. Before you plan to use this portal to get yourself a loan, it is indeed advisable for you to understand the eligibility criteria and requirements. It is also important for you to manage your credit score to not result in a fall in rating just because of the continuous multiple checking that the various lenders will be doing. This review will give you the complete insight and information of this lending and borrowing online platform. Take a quick read and be information equipped.
Terms and Fees
- APR: 2.97% – 29.9%
- Loan Amount Range: $1,000 – $35,000 (based on your credit score)
- Interest Rate Type: Fixed
- Repayment Term: 1 to 5 years
Eligibility Requirements of Lending Tree Loan
- It is important to be minimum 18 years of age.
- It is also important to be a permanent resident of the United States or a green card holder. They will ask the residence proof or green card copy when you apply for your loan.
- A minimum credit score range of 560 to 750 will enhance your chances to receive a loan.
Application Process of Lending Tree Loan
- There are two types of loans. One that is backed with collateral and the other that is not. Based on the type of loan you will be requesting for; the questions shall appear.
- A personal loan without collateral will have questions related to the amount of money and reason for applying for a loan.
- Your credit rating and your personal information will be required as well. A good credit rating determines your chances and brightens the loan approval hope.
- Once you fill all the information, you will be given a portal with the names of the lenders, the APR available, the required monthly payment and a phone number to contact the lenders.
- The entire procedure will not take more than 30 minutes. As soon as you prefer an option, you can quickly move ahead with the process to receive your loan as soon as possible.
- Take care of credit inquiries surrounding your requirement. The problem is that too many inquiries can result in lowering your credit score.
Pros and Cons of Lending Tree Loan
- It has been established for more than 20 years now, and this presents credibility and assurance. Till date it has been surviving with bare minimum controversy, thereby being a trustworthy brand.
- It is a one-stop solution to the entire hassle of borrowing and lending. The online connectivity makes it much more convenient and time effective.
- Being a long time established brand, it has many lenders under its umbrella, and hence there are umpteen options to chose from. This is also very beneficial regarding the competitive range that you can enjoy getting the best APR’s.
- The range of loans offered is extensive, and this helps cater a much larger audience compared to focused target audience online lending marketplace.
- Once you fill all your information, you will get your credit score for free. Thus, this free tool can be handy for calculating your chances of receiving the loan.
- There are way too many lenders on this platform, and hence once your contact number is floated, the umpteen number of calls can be never-ending, and this is a problem. To withdraw your contact is not an option and to bear them is also irritating.
- If the provider is making it easier for you to get your loan, the portal will also ask you to pay more for it. Thus, the fee charge is higher.
- People complain about the portal hanging quite often, thereby making it a time-consuming process for them.