US States with Highest Auto Insurance Premiums
Auto insurance companies are very aggressively doing their ad campaigns today due to increased competition and escalated premiums. If you want to know the top five places in the United States that offer the highest premium on auto insurance, then take a quick read of this article that covers it all.
There are various reasons to why the insurance system is so expensive in the states; particularly this may be there due to an urban location that it enjoys, or lots of uninsured drivers or even a high population in the place. So the top five most expensive auto insurance premium states in United States of America are:-
Michigan has topped the list of being the most expensive auto insurance premium state in the USA. The average annual premium is up to $2611 now and this is 79% more than the national average of the USA, which is $1457. The reason why Michigan has such a high insurance system is due to a very unique insurance scheme that it has.
Car insurance has Personal Injury Protection as well, thus here in this case there is even personal injury counted. The system is of no fault anyhow insurance. Another difference over here comes in the coverage limits, wherein Michigan and in other states there is a difference to the amount of the PIP coverage limit, in other states it is put at a reasonable limit, while in Michigan it is unlimited with so many medical benefits to the victims of any auto accident and this thus increase the premium.
Louisiana is on the next spot when it comes to the most expensive auto insurance premium. The average over here is $2298 and this is more than 58% of the national average, the big reason why it is bumping up is due to fewer drivers who have been insured and the majority of people did not have insurance and some are at very minimum coverage levels.
Florida is on the third spot with the average premium being $2219 and this brings it 52% more than the national average. The reason why the insurance premium has increased to such a level in Florida is due to a lot of drivers being uninsured in such a way that the highest rate of drivers who do not have insurance in the nation belongs to Florida.
Now, this is approximately 26.7% of the drivers who are running their vehicles on the road but without any insurance. Thus the competition is more and the number of people taking is less therefore the money has risen. Drivers at risk are the highest in Florida, very evidently. There are many students in Florida owing to a higher number of universities.
Oklahoma stands on the fourth number with average premium being $1966 and this is equivalent to more than 35% of the national average. The reason over here, number one being, Oklahoma is a more natural disaster-prone area which stops being very frequent and even a large number of uninsured vehicle owners are present. This has led to increasing the number of people and the premium as well, experiencing severe weather this country has its drivers prone to more risk.
Washington DC has an average annual premium of approximately $1876 and this if you note, is above 29% of the auto insurance premium national average in the United States. The main reason firstly is the population density, there are a lot of people with the majority of area being in under the urban area and this leads to higher insurance rates secondly, this has acute number of people living and therefore the crime rate the vandalism rate or more than other places making the premium a little more expensive less space more cars being trapped also lead to more accidents and therefore higher insurance rates for auto.